2024 CalgaryCyber Summit

Protect | Disrupt | Dismantle

Summit Begins

000 days 00 hours 00 minutes 00 seconds

October 22 - 25, 2024

Summit Details

The 2024 Calgary Cyber Summit is where law enforcement and the private sector come together regarding the rapidly changing landscape of cybercrime investigations.

The Calgary Cyber Summit is hosted by the Calgary Police Service Cybercrime Team. The Summit is three and a half days long and there will be over 20 presenters from all over the world and over 20 cyber security vendors. There will also be training sessions for law enforcement and fun networking events each night.

This is the 5th Calgary Cyber Summit which takes place every two years. The Summit is open to all law enforcement members and private sector members actively investigating cybercrimes. This is the largest law enforcement cybercrime conference in Canada with over 400 attendees.

  • Ransomware
  • TDoS Attacks
  • Sim Swaps
  • Sextortion
  • Pig Butchering
  • Crypto Currency
  • Metaverse
  • A.I.
  • Dark Web
  • Education

Law EnforcementTraining Sessions

Daily workshops and training sessions

Over 20 Presentations& Vendors

Curated specifically for Cybercrime and law enforcement


Entertainment, and some food and beverages included

Legal Panel &Case Studies

Including a Crown Prosecutor, Defense Lawyer, and King’s Bench Justice – Judge

Need to know

Here are some of the most frequently asked questions about the summit. If you have any further questions please reach out.

Contact Us

Registration: $795.00

Registration closed.

Accommodation and the summit are located at the same address. Calgary Cyber Summit attendees will recieve a preferred rate of $145.00 + taxes.

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The summit will start at 8:00 am and finish around 5:00 pm each day, except for the last day which will be from 8:00 am until 12:00 pm.

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Calgary has a vast array of activities, entertainment, and scenery. Here is a helpful resource for things to do in Calgary.

Banff National Park is just over an hour from Calgary. Banff Lodging Company is offering discounted accommodations across 11 hotels to all summit attendees.

Discover Banff and Surrounding Areas

Yes. However, registration is still limited to those employed in a private sector company actively involved in cybercrime investigations and cyber security.

Request access

Extend your trip to Banff & The Rocky Mountains

A quick drive from Calgary

The Banff Lodging Company is offering a 15% discount to members attending the Calgary Cyber Summit. The discount is for their 12 hotels in Banff, Canada for the weekend before or after the Cyber Summit. Once registration for the Cyber Summit is completed, then the promo code will be provided.

Banff has a rich heritage with some of the world’s most awe-inspiring mountain destinations. With easy access to pristine wilderness, endless outdoor adventures, jaw-dropping sights, and a vibrant history and culture, there is a lifetime’s worth of things to do in Banff.